Sector Mapping: Textile and Apparel Industry in East Africa – Policy Benchmarking Report
As part of its aspiration to build a globally competitive textile and apparel industry in East Africa, Gatsby Africa (through Msingi East Africa) carried out a comprehensive benchmarking and mapping study of the industry in the region.
Objectives of the Project
To assess key industry conditions and constraints across the identified East African countries (Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania) in order to understand the interventions required for the growth of the textile and apparel sector in these countries.
To benchmark the East African countries with countries of Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India and Sri Lanka as these countries already have developed textile and apparel value chains. Such an analysis would help understand the growth roadmap of these countries and the interventions that have made this growth possible
To collect buyers’ feedback, which will help highlight the current sourcing scenario from the East African Countries, the challenges they face and their recommendations for the growth of the sector in their respective countries.
Sector Mapping: Textile and Apparel Industry in East Africa – Policy Benchmarking Report