Cattle keepers learn value addition for beef

Laikipia Governor Ndiritu Muriithi (in a blue cap) is taken through the value addition process for beef during the third edition of the Mugie Annual Pastoralist and Rangeland Show in Laikipia County
On Saturday, June 08, 2019, Gatsby Africa through Kenya Markets Trust (KMT), supported the third edition of the Mugie Annual Rangeland and Pastoralist Show.
Gatsby Africa engaged with cattle keepers at the 2019 Mugie Annual Rangeland and Pastoralist Show training them on the different pricing a well-maintained bull would fetch at the local butchers.
Staff from KMT trained the participants on how to fetch a markup of 50 percent profit from a bull through product differentiation
Through the help of butchers, the show goers were provided with a live demonstration of the value of good husbandry.
According to KMT’s Livestock Sector Manager, Dr Boniface Kaberia the keepers stood to benefit if they understood the value addition of the different cuts of an animal “Livestock keepers should understand that meat is just not meat. Different parts including the Chuck, rib, Short Loin, Sirloin, Round, Brisket, Fore Shank and Short Plate fetch very different market prices and hence they stood to benefit more if they understood the pricing,” he added.
Speaking to attendants of the Mugie Annual Rangeland and Livestock Show, Dr Kaberia pointed out that high end markets were benefiting more from understanding that the different cuts are prepared differently.
“Meat sold in high end markets are usually sold in cuts. It is ideal that cattle keepers understand that how you handle and finish an animal before slaughter will affect the quality of the cut. For example, some farmers are used to beating an animal on the hip and back. When slaughtered, it will fetch a lower price in the end market since it will have bruises,” he cited.
Dr Kaberia also advised the beef keepers to avoid selling animals which are recently injected, pointing out that the swelling of an injection is visible for up to 28 days before slaughter.
The show, which was graced by Laikipia Governor Ndiritu Mureithi aims at bringing together livestock value chain players in sustainable livestock and rangeland management value chains. This is achieved through supporting commercialization of livestock value chains and integration of pastoralist into the mainstream red meat value chains.
Pastoralist had the chance to be oriented on the livestock products and services available in Laikipia and the neighboring counties of Samburu, Baringo and Isiolo and the entire country.
KMT seeks to promote a market led approach to sustainable development and profile investment opportunities that unlock the sectors potential. This is by providing and promoting a market place, livestock value chains services and other accountable extension services.
KMT also advocates for the exploration of opportunities for enhanced livestock marketing and how to mitigate the occurrence of drought crisis through the livestock insurance program.